Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the dreaded why...

So my 2 yo is going through a phase of why? Everything I do is questioned, the answers is questioned and so on. So as an example I will be making lunch. He will ask why? I tell him so he has something to eat. Why? Because you are hungry. Why? because thats what happens between meals. At this point I am running out of reasonable explanations or at least ones he would understand. So I get the final, why? my answer finally ends with.... because. Of course everyone goes through this and for the most part I laugh and sometimes we go back and forth with the why? beacause routine giggling at each other. It really isnt all that annoying mostly just amusing because I try to come up with as many answers as I can. I always lose though and give into the because answer. Well the because answer has rubbed off. I caught him asking himself why? the other day to which he answered........"acause"

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